Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Teilchentee WS 2024/25

Seminar at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University
on Thursdays, 4 p.m.
organizers: A. Eichhorn, A. Hebecker, B. Knorr

24.10.24 Wojciech Florkowski (Jagiellonian) Spin hydrodynamics
31.10.24 Antonio Vairo (TUM) Quarkonium meets Dark Matter
07.11.24 Fiona Kirk (Hanover) Searching for Ultralight New Physics at the Dawn of Nuclear Clocks
11.11.24 Benjamin Knorr (at MPIK) Quantum Gravity as a Quantum Field Theory --- note unusual day, time and location (tea at 16:00, talk at 16:30, at the MPIK)!
21.11.24 Melissa van Beekveld (NIKHEF) The PanScales parton showers: where Monte Carlo and Resummation meet
28.11.24 Luca Amendola (ITP) Geometry and gravity from large scale structure
05.12.24 Ivano Basile (LMU) UV/IR relations from string theory
12.12.24 Holger Gies (Jena) Quantum field theories of relativistic Luttinger fermions
19.12.24 Markus Dierigl (LMU/CERN) Symmetries in Quantum Gravity
09.01.25 Kristina Giesel (Erlangen-Nuremberg) Gravitationally induced decoherence: from theoretical models to applications in neutrino oscillations
16.01.25 Tessa Baker (Portsmouth) TBA
23.01.25 Jeffrey Kuntz (MPIK) TBA
30.01.25 Clara Murgui (Barcelona) TBA
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