Oberseminar "String Theory and Beyond the Standard Model"

Monday, 2:00 pm, seminar room in Philosophenweg 19, common lunch from 1:00 pm

To facilitate the sharing of papers and for speaker from far away, the seminar will often take place in the personal room of A. Hebecker on Zoom. If no talk is announced, we will discuss recent papers in an informal style.

(The link can be obtained by emailing to A. Hebecker and is also provided in the weakly ITP seminar announcements.)

Summer term 2024

22 Apr -- Raphael Senghaas (Heidelberg, Math.Inst.): Basics of Exponential Networks for Linear Partitions

13 May -- Michael Gutperle (UCLA): Noninvertible symmetries in symmetric orbifold CFTs

10 Jul -- 9:00 -- Florian Dyduch: Evaluation of Small Kinetic Mixing in String Theory with Fluxes (Bachelor seminar) (Note unusual time and date!)

15 Jul -- 14:15 -- Johannes Walcher: Stabilizing massless fields with fluxes in Landau-Ginzburg models (Mathematicon, Seminar Room 8 -- common seminar with the group of Johannes Walcher -- Note unusual time and place!)

Winter term 2023/24

16 Oct -- Discussion of Topics (Vorbesprechung)

23 Oct -- Björn Friedrich: Cobordism and Bubbles of Anything in the String Landscape

30 Oct -- Thibaut Coudarchet: New families of scale separated vacua

24 Nov -- 11:15, Ruben Kuespert: Small Kinetic Mixing in String Theory (Mathematicon, Seminar Room 8 -- Common seminar with the group of Johannes Walcher -- Note unusual time, day and place!)

11 Dec -- Jonathan Steiner: Aspects of GUTs in Cosmology

29 Jan -- Daniel Schiller: Journal Club on "Smeared end-of-the-world branes" by Harvey/Jensen/Uzu

02 Feb -- Valerie Domcke (CERN): Informal Update on Cosmic Strings (Note unusual time and day!)

12 Feb -- Simon Schreyer (Montpellier): Higher order corrections to KPV: The nonabelian brane stack perspective (Online only)

11 Mar -- 13:30 -- Daniel Schiller: Cosmology with end-of-the-world branes. (Note unusual time!)

Summer term 2023

22 May -- Thibaut Coudarchet (Madrid): Symmetric fluxes and small tadpoles (Online only!)

05 Jun -- Valdo Tatitschef (Heidelberg, Math. Inst.): Dynamical SUSY Breaking on branes at singularities

25 Jul -- Sebastian Zell (Leuven): Distinguishing Between the Formulations of General Relativity (Note unusual day!)

28 Aug -- Björn Friedrich: Lorentzian Quantum Cosmology: Recent Developments (Journal-Club talk on the controversial discussion surrounding the Hartle-Hawking and Linde-Vilenkin Wave Function Proposals)

19 Sep -- 11:00 am: Mike Brandt: Calculating the 4d curvature in warped compactifications (Public part of Bachelor Thesis defense, in part reviewing work by M. Douglas) (Note unusual day and time!)

25 Sep -- Shihwen Hor (Tokyo): Minimal Nambu-Goldstone-Higgs model in supersymmetric SU(5)

09 Oct -- Torben Skrzypek (Imperial College): Introduction to AdS/CFT integrability (Online only!)

Winter term 2022/23

17 Oct -- Discussion of Topics (Vorbesprechung)

19 Oct -- 11:00 am -- Ignazio Salvemini: Bubble Nucleation in the No-Boundary Wave Function Formalism (Master Thesis Defense)

24 Oct -- Stefano Andriolo (Ben Gurion U.): The weak gravity conjecture with scalar fields in AdS

25 Oct -- Seminar room of Phil.weg 16: -- Kajal Singh (Harish-Chandra Research Inst.): Cosmological Constant and Gravitino Mass Correlations from the Nilpotent Goldstino Formalism (Note unusual day and location!)

14 Nov, 3:00 pm -- Prolay Chanda (Chicago): Improved Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilations Around Primordial Black Holes (Joint Seminar with group of Joerg Jaeckel. Online only. Note unusual time! Do not use the standard link but the one provided in the ITP email on Monday morning.)

28 Nov -- Björn Friedrich: Journal Club on "Baby universes in 2d and 4d theories" by Hamada/Kawai/Kawana (Online only)

12 Dec -- Yixuan Li (Munich): Local supersymmetry enhancement, horizonless geometries and black-hole microstates

09 Jan -- Max Wiesner (Harvard): Light Strings and Strong Coupling in F-theory

30 Jan, 3:00 pm -- Manki Kim (MIT): D-instanton, threshold corrections, and topological string (Online only; Note unusual time!))

Summer term 2022

(A. Hebecker's sabbatical)

25 July -- Bjoern Friedrich: A Local Wheeler-DeWitt Measure for the String Landscape (Online only!)

25 April -- 5:00 pm: Gregory J. Loges (Wisconsin): Making Wormholes Stable Again (Note unusual time! Online only!)

02 May -- 3:00 pm: Olga Papadoulaki (Perimeter): Euclidean Wormholes and Holography (Note unusual time! Online only!)

Winter term 2021/22

14 Sep -- Jonah Strauss: Journal Club on "Islands in Multiverse Models" by Aguilar-Gutierrez / Chatwin-Davies / Hertog / Pinzani-Fokeeva / Robinson

16 Sep -- Bjoern Friedrich: Journal Club on "Future Boundaries and the Black Hole Information Paradox" by Malcolm J. Perry

21 Sep -- Jakob Moritz (Cornell): Small cosmological constants in string theory

23 Sep -- Ruben Küspert: Journal Club on "A Tale of Two U(1)'s: Kinetic Mixing from Lattice WGC States" by Obied / Parikh

07 Oct -- Andreas Schachner (Cambridge): Global Standard Model Constructions in Type IIB (Seminar-Room of Philosophenweg 19)

15 Nov -- Francois Rondeau (Paris, LPTHE): Aspects of compactification on a linear dilaton background

22 Nov -- Xin Gao (Heidelberg / Sichuan University): Orientifold Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Divisor Involutions and String Landscape (Online only!)

14 Feb -- Sukruti Bansal (Karlsruhe / Heidelberg): Pure de Sitter Supergravity (Online only!)

28 Mar -- Sukruti Bansal (Karlsruhe / Heidelberg): Journal Club Talk on "Yoga Dark Energy" by Burgess/Dineen/Quevedo (Online only!)

04 Apr -- Manuel Wittner: Axions in String Theory and the Hydra of Dark Radiation (Online only!)

Summer term 2021

04 Mar -- Simon Schreyer: Review of Loop Corrections and the LVS

11 Mar -- Gerben Venken: Journal Club on Recent Developments concerning String Loop Corrections to Kahler Moduli Stabilisation (cf. 1909.10525 and related papers)

25 Mar -- Azadeh Maleknejad (CERN): TBA (joint seminar with the groups of Tilman Plehn and Joerg Jaeckel)

27 Apr -- Bjoern Friedrich: Thoughts on the measure problem of eternal inflation and quantum measures (Bachelor Colloquium)

29 Apr -- Xin Gao: Basics of Calabi-Yau geometry

06 May -- Viraf Mehta (Goettingen): Constraining the String Axiverse with Black Holes (joint seminar with the group of Joerg Jaeckel)

11 May -- Xin Gao: Basics of Calabi-Yau geometry (continuation from 29 Apr)

29 Jul -- Vincent Van Hemelryck (Leuven): Scale-separated AdS4 vacua of IIA orientifolds and M-theory

Winter term 2020/21

10 Sep -- Ling Lin (CERN): Anomalies of 1-form symmetries and consistent gauge groups

22/24 Sep -- Jonah Strauss: Journal Club on recent paper by Bedroya/Montero/Vafa/Valenzuela on "de Sitter Bubbles and the Swampland"

08 Oct -- Sascha Leonhardt: Journal Club on recent paper by Alwey/Escudero on "The Axion Quality Problem: Global Symmetry Breaking and Wormholes"

13 Oct -- Bjoern Malte-Schaefer (Heidelberg): 21-cm Cosmology and the Square Kilometre Array as new probes of fundamental physics

20 Oct -- Bjoern Friedrich: Journal Club on review paper by Freivogel on "Making predictions in the multiverse"

27 Oct -- Bjoern Malte-Schaefer: Continuation of talk on 13 Oct: 21-cm Cosmology and the Square Kilometre Array as new probes of fundamental physics

10 Nov -- Gerben Venken: Introduction to dS/CFT

17 Nov -- Gerben Venken -- Continuation of talk on 10 Nov: Introduction to dS/CFT

3 Dec -- Sascha Leonhardt: Winding Uplifts and the Challenges of Weak and Strong SUSY Breaking in AdS

8 Dec -- Florent Baume: Tackling the SDC in AdS with CFTs

15 Dec -- Jonah Strauss: The Hartle-Hawking No-Boundary Proposal (journal-club-style introduction to the classical paper)

29 Jan -- 15:00 -- Xin Gao: Journal Club on "Resolving spacetime singularities in flux compactifications & KKLT" by Carta/Moritz (Note unusual time and day)

Summer term 2020

02 Apr -- Christian Reichelt / Fengjun Xu: Supersymmetric Protection and the Swampland (Journal club on recent paper by Palti/Vafa/Weigand)

09 Apr -- Daniel Junghans: O-plane Backreaction and Scale Separation in Type IIA Flux Vacua

16 Apr -- Torben Skrzypek: Discrete Symmetries, Weak Coupling Conjecture and Scale Separation in AdS Vacua (Journal club on recent paper by Buratti/Calderon/Mininno/Uranga)

30 Apr -- Sascha Leonhardt / Tristan Daus: Towards a Swampland Global Symmetry Conjecture using Weak Gravity

26 May -- Gerben Venken (Leuven): De Sitter Space, Charged Black Holes, and the Swampland

02 Jun -- Daniel Klaewer (Mainz): Distance Conjecture in N=2 Moduli Spaces

02 Jul -- Lennert Thormählen: Xenon1T Anomly - Experimental Facts and First Theoretical Ideas

Winter term 2019/20

14 Oct -- Vorbesprechung / Discussion of topics

23 Oct -- 12:00 pm -- Jonah Cedric Strauß: SYK and JT Gravity (Note unusual time and day!)

7 Nov -- Christian Reichelt: Swampland conjectures in F-theory (Note unusual day!)

11 Nov -- Ben Freivogel (Amsterdam): "The black hole information paradox has been (partly) resolved" (Journal-club-style presentation on recent work from Penington to Almhieri/Mahajan/Maldacena)

2 Dec -- Jonah Cedric Strauß: SYK and JT Gravity (Informal Repetition / Questions Session)

9 Dec -- Tristan Daus: Approximate Symmetries and Gravity (journal club on paper by Fichet/Saraswat)

16 Dec -- Andreas Schachner (Cambridge): Applying Genetic Algorithms and Topological Data Analysis to the Landscape of Flux Vacua

13 Jan -- Sascha Leonhardt: A Conjecture on the Minimal Size of Bound States

20 Jan -- Xin Gao: Vacua with Small Flux Superpotential (Journal club on recent paper by Demirtas/Kim/McAllister/Moritz)

Summer term 2019

23 Apr -- Martin Cederwall (Goteborg): Pure spinors and supersymmetry (Note unusual day! Location: Hörsaal of Mathematicon - with Walcher's group.)

29 Apr -- Sascha Leonhardt: Two types of throat axions (journal club)

06 May -- Daniel Junghans: TBA (Cancelled -- new date to be announced later)

20 May -- Pablo Soler: KKLT Update (journal club)

7 Jun -- Torben Skrzypek: Quintessence in the Type IIB Landscape (journal club)

14 Jun -- Stefano Andriolo (Hong Kong): Compact G2 holonomy spaces from SU(3) structures

17 Jul -- 11:15 am: Michele Cicoli (Bologna): LVS models in a Nutsehll (Note unusual time and day)

30 Jul -- 12:00 am: Sascha Leonhardt: Two types of throat axions (continued) (Note unusual time and day)

Winter term 2018/19

22 Oct -- Sebastian Zell (LMU): Quantum breaking: general concept and application to de Sitter

29 Oct -- Vorbesprechung (Discussion of topics)

5 Nov -- Gary Shiu (Wisconsin): Swampland conjectures: evidences and applications

12 Nov -- Thomas Mikhail: Wormhole effects (journal-club)

19 Nov -- Christian Reichelt: Recent ideas in F-theory (journal club)

26 Nov -- Pablo Soler: Higgs mechanism in nonlocal field theories (journal club)

3 Dec -- Fengjun Xu: Generalized global symmetries (journal club)

10 Jan -- Manki Kim (Cornell): Monodromy charge in D7-brane inflation (Note unusual day! Location: Phil.weg 16.)

21 Jan -- Daniel Junghans: Weakly coupled de Sitter vacua with fluxes and the swampland (journal club)

11 Feb -- Jacob Sonnenschein (Tel Aviv): The HISH (Holography Inspired Stringy Hadron) model

Summer term 2018

16 Apr -- Viraf Metha: Journal Club on "Infinite Distances in Field Space..." by Palti et al. and "The Refined Swampland Distance Conjecture..." by Blumenhagen et al.

23 Apr -- Monica Jinwoo Kang (Harvard): Euler Characteristics and Anomaly Cancellation

30 Apr -- Viraf Metha: Journal Club (continued, see above)

28 Jun -- Christian Reichelt: F-theory GUTs

02 Jul -- Sascha Leonhardt: De Sitter and the Swampland (recent papers by Vafa et al.)

16 Jul -- Michael Gutperle (UCLA): Holographic Description of 5d CFTs

Winter term 2017/18

17 Oct -- James Unwin (Illinois U., Chicago): Resolving the Core-Cusp Problem via Fermi Repulsion (Note unusual day!)

23 Oct -- William Cottrell (Amsterdam): Complexity is simple

27 Nov -- Miguel Montero (Utrecht): Swampland Conjectures and Holography

22 Jan -- Sascha Leonhardt / Andreas Schachner: Journal Club on "Moduli Stabilization at the Conifold" by Blumenhagen et al.

29 Jan -- Philipp Henkenjohann: Flat Monodromies and a Moduli Space Size Conjecture

20 Feb -- Fabrizio Rompineve: Cosmological Aspects of Axionic String-Wall Networks (Note unusual day and unusual location: Seminar room of Phil.weg 16)

19 Mar -- Craig Lawrie: Journal Club on the "Geometric Classification of 5d SCFTs" by Jefferson/Katz/Kim/Vafa

23 Mar -- Alex Cole (Madison): Gravitational decoupling and the Picard-Lefschetz approach (Note unusual day!)

Summer term 2017

03 April -- Lukas Witkowski (Paris): Holographic Renormalization

02 May -- Anupam Mazumdar (Groningen): Ghost Free Infinite Derivative Theories of Gravity

08 May -- Eran Palti: Progress with the Weak Gravity Conjecture

15 May -- Fabian Ruehle (Oxford): Hidden Sectors and the Dark Glueball Problem

22 May -- Gianmassimo Tasinato (Swansea): Breaking space-time symmetries during inflation

26 June -- Craig Lawrie: F-theory and AdS3/CFT2

17 July -- Christof Wetterich: Graviton fluctuations erase the cosmological constant (Joint seminar with J. Jaeckel's group)

Winter term 2016/17

30 August -- Ippei Obata (Kyoto): Primordial Gravitational Waves from Axionic Inflation with Gauge Fields

29 September -- Roberto Valandro (Trieste): T-branes and 3d mirror symmetry

17 October -- Discussion of topics for the term ("Vorbesprechung")

7 November -- Marco Scalisi (DESY): Inflationary Attractors vs Moduli and Corrections

29 November -- Pablo Soler: Weak Gravity Conjecture and Black Holes

6 December -- John Stout (Cornell): Runaway Relaxion Monodromy

20 December -- Eran Palti: Entanglement Entropy and Gravity (Journal club talk)

23 January -- David Erkinger (Vienna): Boundaries in 2D Supersymmetric Theories

Summer term 2016

21 March -- 16:15 pm: Pablo Soler (Madison): Black Holes and the Weak Gravity Conjecture

02 May -- Seung-Joo Lee (Virginia Tech): Witten Index for Noncompact Dynamics (Joint Seminar with J. Walcher's group - unusual place: MATHEMATIKON SR 3)

09 May -- Christoph Mayrhofer (LMU): Heterotic T-fects, 6D SCFTs, and F-Theory

17 May -- Malte Probst (ITP/London City College): Yang-Mills Theory and the ABC Conjecture (Note unusual day!)

23 May -- Martin Bauer (ITP): The 750 GeV Resonance from Extra Dimensions

30 May -- Irene Valenzuela (MPI Munich): The DBI Action, Higher-derivative Supergravity, and Flattening Inflaton Potentials

07 June -- Martin Winkler: 750 GeV Diphotons and Supersymmetric Grand Unification (Note unusual day!)

27 June -- Michael Gutperle (UCLA): Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Defects (Special `Teilchentee')

04 July -- Kohei Kamada (Arizona State Univ.): Cosmological Magnetic Fields and Baryogenesis without BSM?

11 July -- Fabrizio Rompineve: Gravitational Waves from Axion Monodromy

18 July -- Hagen Triendl (CERN): Supersymmetric brane field theories on curved background

Winter term 2015/16

05 Oct -- Roberto Valandro (Trieste): De Sitter minima in type IIB flux compactifications

12 Oct -- Andreas Kapfer (MPI, Munich): The Arithmetic of Elliptic Fibrations in F-theory

20 Oct -- Thomas Reichelt (Heidelberg): Introduction to Semi-Infinite Hodge Structures (INF 227, 1.104 - joint seminar with group of J. Walcher)

09 Nov -- Albrecht Klemm (Bonn): Elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau manifolds and Weak Jacobi forms

07 Dec -- Craig Lawrie: F-Theory: GUTs, U(1)s and all that

11 Jan -- Eran Palti: 750 GeV Diphotons and Vector-Like Exotics in F-Theory

18 Jan -- no seminar (HGSFP Winter School Obergurgl)

25 Jan -- Penka Georgieva (Jussieu): Real Gromov-Witten Theory (INF 288 HS 6 - joint seminar with group of J. Walcher)

01 Feb -- Timo Weigand: F-theory and 2d (0,2) Theories

Summer term 2015

20 Apr -- Vorbesprechung (Discussion of topics)

27 Apr -- Ling Lin: Black hole information paradox

04 May -- Lukas Witkowski: Weak gravity conjecture

12 May -- Tim Wrase (Wien): Axion Monodromy Inflation (Phil.weg 12, room 56, note unusual day)

15 Jun -- Stefan Theisen (AEI, Potsdam/Golm): Partition Functions and Anomalies

07 Jul -- Andreas Braun (Oxford): Constructing G2 Manifolds (Phil.weg 19, note unusual day)

20 Jul -- Phillipp Henkenjohann (Bielefeld): Maximal Temperature after Inflation (Phil.weg 19)

22 Jul -- Hans Jockers (Bonn): 2d Gauge theory dynamics for a pair of Calabi-Yau threefolds (Note unusual day!)

Winter term 2014/15

29 Sep -- Alex Spencer-Smith (Sydney): Higgs Vacuum Stability in a Mass-Dependent Renormalisation Scheme and Implications for Inflation and New Physics

27 Oct -- Daniel Priens (Lyon): Type IIA & M-theory flux vacua on manifolds with SU(4)-structure

17 Nov -- Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook): Acoustic cascade in cosmological phase transition (Common seminar with Cosmology group)

24 Nov -- Xavier Calmet (Sussex): CANCELLED!

11 Dec -- 11:00 am, Phil.weg 19: Emilian Dudas (Paris): Aspects of inflation in supergravity and string theory

12 Jan -- Erik Plauschinn (Padua): On large-field inflation and moduli stabilization in string theory

23 March -- Jose Francisco Morales (Rome): G-theory

Summer term 2014

12 May -- Thomas C. Bachlechner (Cornell): On Gaussian Random Supergravity

26 Jun -- Dmitri Kharzeev (Brookhaven and Stony Brook): TBA (Special Teilchentee)

21 Jul -- Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech): TBA

Winter term 2013/14

26 Aug -- Benedikt Herwerth (Munich): Holographic Superconductors with Broken Translational Symmetry

19 Sep -- 2:15 pm, Phil.weg 19: Max Kerstan: Abelian Gauge symmetries nad fluxed instantons in compactifications of Type IIB/F-theory

07 Oct -- Roberto Valandro (Trieste): Progress on G-flux in F-theory

21 Oct -- Mikel Berasaluce (Autonoma Madrid): Discrete Symmetries in String Theory

18 Nov -- Viraf Mehta (Liverpool): Exploring Light U(1)s in Heterotic String Models

25 Nov -- Federico Bonetti (MPI Munich): F-theory on Spin(7) manifolds: realization via M-theory and weak-coupling limit

09 Dec -- 2:15 pm -- Johannes Walcher (McGill Univ.): Mirror symmetry at the math-physics interface (Common seminar with Math.Dept. at the Mathematisches Institut, HS 2)

13 Jan -- Diederik Roest (Groningen): Universality and attractors in inflation

06 Feb -- 1:15 pm (Thu) -- Don Zagier (Bonn): Multiple zeta values and string amplitudes (lunch talk at Mathematisches Institut, HS1)

06 Feb -- 5:15 pm (Thu) -- Don Zagier (Bonn): Modular forms, finite groups, and physics (Joint Math Phys Colloquium at Mathematische Institut, HS2)

Summer term 2013

11 Mar -- Lukas Witkowski (Oxford): Moduli-stabilisation and SUSY breaking: de- vs. re-coupling

25 Mar -- Roberto Valandro (Hamburg): D-branes at singularities: global embedding and transitions among quivers

04 Apr -- Patrick Mangat (Cambridge): AdS/CFT and holographic superconductors

12 Apr -- Julian Stöckel (Karlsruhe): GUTs and Flavor

15 Apr -- Vorbesprechung (Discussion of topics)

18 Apr -- Marcos Marino (Geneva): Quantum theory and enumerative problems

23 Apr -- Thomas Van Riet (Leuven): Issues with anti-brane uplifting

29 Apr -- Raffaele Savelli (Munich, MPI): On quantum corrected Kahler potentials in F-theory

06 May -- Benedict von Harling (SISSA): The Scale-Invariant NMSSM and the 126 GeV Higgs Boson

21 May -- Marcus Sperling (Dresden): Renormalization of vacuum expectation values in spontaneously broken gauge theories

29 May -- Simone Dresti (Geneva): Renormalization of Composite Operators in time-dependent Backgrounds

10 Jun -- Nuno Miguel Romao (Bonn): Supersymmetric quantum mechanics on vortex moduli spaces

24 Jun -- Jan Borchmann: Tops and U(1) symmetries

12 Jul -- Magnus Engenhorst (Freiburg): Stability conditions and mutations of quivers with potential

Winter term 2012/13

20 Sep -- Matthew Kleban (New York Univ.): Unwinding Inflation

22 Oct -- Claudius Klare (Milano): Supersymmetry on Curved Spaces and Holography

29 Oct -- Markus Rummel (DESY): De Sitter vacua in type IIB string theory/F-theory by Kähler uplifting

14 Nov -- Mark Goodsell (Paris): WISPs from strings

19 Nov -- Daniel Roggenkamp: Defect Lines in Toroidal CFTs

29 Nov -- Andre Lukas (Oxford): The Standard Model from String Theory: A Challenge in Physics and Mathematics

30 Nov -- Ilka Brunner (Munich): Defects in 2-dimensional conformal field theories

14 Jan -- James Unwin (Oxford and Heidelberg): High-Scale SUSY

21 Jan -- Jens-Daniel Debus (ETH Zurich): Instabilities of Spinning Strings

Summer term 2012

25 Apr -- Ilarion Melnikov (AEI, Golm): N=2 heterotic flux vacua and their type II duals

02 May -- Angnis-Schimdt-May (Stockholm University): Consistent Theories of Massive Spin-2 Fields

14 May -- Journal Club (Arthur Hebecker on recent papers by Sumitomo/Tye and Rummel/Westphal)

16 May -- Tilman Plehn: Higgs Observables -- informal discussion of recent results (Joint seminar with Pheno Group)

21 May -- Ling Lin: Holographic principle and its application to strongly coupled plasmas

31 May -- Katrin Wendland (Freiburg): Von Singularitätentheorie zur topologischen Quantenfeldtheorie (Joint colloquium with Math Department)

04 Jun -- Harald Skarke (TU Wien): Reflexive Gorenstein Cones and their Classification

08 Jun -- Eric Sharpe (Virginia Tech.): Quantization of Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters in supergravity

13 Jul -- Fabio Apruzzi (Milano): Classification of AdS7 x M3 supersymmetric vacua in type II supergravity

13 Jul -- Shanta de Alwis (Colorado): Some issues in supersymmetry breaking and mediation

Winter term 2011/12

04 Oct -- Roberto Valandro (DESY): Singular CY 4folds, G-flux and Chirality

17 Oct -- Hagen Triendl (Saclay): Generalized Type IIA Orientifolds from M-Theory

24 Oct -- Christoph Mayrhofer: Moduli Stabilisation for Chiral Global Models

07 Nov -- Hans Jockers (Bonn): N=1 Mirror symmetry

14 Nov -- Katharina Huebner: E3 brane instantons in type IIB and F-theory

21 Nov -- Claudius Klare (Milano): Recent results in supersymmetric 3d field theories and AdS_4/CFT_3

24 Nov -- Viktor Batyrev (Tübingen): Nichtarchimedische Integration und Singularitäten (Joint colloquium with Math Department)

28 Nov -- Joint seminar with MPIK at MPIK

06 Dec -- Timo Weigand: F-theory - towards uncovering the physics of elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfolds (Joint seminar with Math Department)

12 Dec -- Thomas Grimm (MPI München): F-theory effective actions in the loop

19 Dec -- Nils-Ole Walliser (TU Wien): Restrictions on infinite sequences of type IIB vacua

30 Jan -- Murad Alim (Harvard): BPS Quivers

16 Feb -- Sven Krause: F-theory compactifications with fluxes

Summer term 2011

18 Apr -- Simona Murgia (Stanford): Dark Matter with Fermi-LAT

27 Apr -- Xavier Bekaert (Tours): Polyakov-Klabanov AdS/O(N) Correspondence

02 May -- Alexander Knochel: (informal and brief, journal-club-style introduction to) Technicolor

09 May -- Felix Brümmer (DESY): Light Higgsinos as Heralds of Higher-Dimensional Unification

23 May -- Michele Cicoli (DESY): Testing string vacua in the lab: large extra dimensions, LHC strings and hidden photons

06 Jun -- James Gray (LMU): Gauge bundle constructions for model building and moduli stabilisation in heterotic M-theory

08 Jun -- Tilman Plehn: (informal discussion of) Tevatron Wjj Anomaly

15 Jun -- Johanna Knapp (TU Wien / IPMU Tokyo): Calabi-Yaus, F-theory, Toric Geometry and beyond

11 Jul -- Larissa Lorentz (Louvain): Stochastic Inflation in Compact Extra Dimensions

12 Jul -- Daniel Roggenkamp (Rutgers): Defect Lines in Conformal Field Theories and Applications

14 Jul -- Larissa Lorentz (Louvain): Informal discussion on cosmic strings

18 Jul -- Michael Gutperle (UCLA): Higher Spin Black Holes

25 Jul -- Andreas Braun (TU Wien): An explicit construction of G4 Fluxes in F-Theory

Winter term 2010/11

18 Oct -- Sven Krause, Max Kerstan (Heidelberg): Non-commutative Geometry

20 Oct -- Gianmassimo Tasinato (Heidelberg): Non-standard primordial fluctuations and non-gaussianity in Large Volume inflation

02 Nov -- Keiichi Akama (Saitama): General solution for braneworld dynamics under the Schwarzschild Ansatz

08 Nov -- Erik Plauschinn (Utrecht): Nonassociative Gravity in String Theory

15 Nov -- Eran Palti (Ecole Polytechnique): Phenomenology of local F-theory GUTs

22 Nov -- Alexander Knochel (Heidelberg): Distinguishing warped from 4D supersymmetry

29 Nov -- Mischa Gerstenlauer (Heidelberg): Inflationary Infrared Divergences

06 Dez -- Maximilian Schmidt-Sommerfeld (CERN): High energy gravitational scattering as an approach to the information problem

07 Dec -- Felix Brümmer (DESY): Metastable Supersymmetry Breaking without Scales

09 Dec -- Dieter Lüst (Munich): Non-Commutative Closed String Geometry

13 Dec -- Mischa Gerstenlauer (Heidelberg): Inflationary Infrared Divergences (continued)

20 Dez -- Achim Kempf (University of Waterloo): Spacetime could be simultaneously continuous and discrete in the same way that information can be

24 Jan -- Robert Richter (Tor Vergata, Roma)

07 Feb -- Antonio Enrique Carcamo Hernandez (Pisa): Composite Vectors and Scalars in Theories of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

14 Feb -- Yuko Urakawa (Wasada Univ.): Implications of infrared divergence problem on primordial non-Gaussianities

Summer term 2010

26 Apr -- Arthur Hebecker (Heidelberg): Precision gauge coupling unification I

03 May -- Ivan Donkin (Heidelberg): Precision gauge coupling unification II

05 May -- Alexander Knochel (Freiburg): Exceptional Unification and Light Exotics in D >=4

10 May -- Sven Krippendorf (Cambridge): Phenomenology of Branes at Toric Singularities

18 May -- Max Kerstan (Heidelberg): D6-brane effective actions in Type IIA orientifolds

31 May -- Andres Collinucci (LMU Munich): Instantons in F-theory

07 Jun -- Nick Setzer (Melbourne): AMSB does not UV insensitize

14 Jun -- Timo Weigand (Heidelberg): Non-perturbative couplings from D-brane instantons

21 Jun -- Sven Krause (Heidelberg): F-theory GUTs and toric geometry

28 Jun -- Sebastian Kraus & Stephan Steinfurt (Heidelberg): Introduction to AdS/CFT

05 Jul -- No seminar due to String Phenomenology, Paris

12 Jul -- Sergej Moroz: AdS/CMT

26 Jul -- Claudius Klare (Heidelberg and Mailand): Massive type IIA backgrounds from the AdS4/CFT3 correspondence

29 Jul -- Christoph Mayrhofer (Wien): Toric Construction of SO(10) GUT models in F-theory

08 Sep -- Kin-ya Oda (Osaka): Universal Extra Dimensions of the (Projective) Sphere

22 Sep -- Ling Lin/Christian Pehle (Heidelberg): Moduli Space of Calabi-Yaus - 3-Folds vs. 4-Folds

28 Sep -- Sergej Ketov: Recent Progress in F(R) Supergravity

Sommer term 2009

23 Mar -- Filipe Paccetti Correia (Porto): Stable de Sitter Vacua in Heterotic M-Theory

30 Mar -- Pierfrancesco Rosini (Lausanne): Quantum Entanglement through Noise-- (common seminar with Tilman Plehn's phenomenology group)

06 Apr -- Sebastian Halter: Tachyons in Throat Cosmology

07 May -- Achim Kempf (Waterloo): Reconciling Spacetime Continuity and Discreteness using Tools from Information Theory

11 May -- Luca Martucci (LMU): On moduli and effective theory of N=1 warped compactifications

13 May -- Benedict von Harling (Melbourne): A warped model of dark matter

20 May -- Ivan Donkin: Strongly Coupled Grand Unification I

08 Jun -- Maximilian Kreuzer (Vienna): Exploring the Geometry of Hidden Dimensions

10 Jun -- Ivan Donkin: Strongly Coupled Grand Unification II

29 Jun -- Florian Gmeiner (NIKHEF): Towards the Standard Model in the type IIA Landscape

29 Jul -- Fabian Rühle: Connecting Orbifolds to Calabi-Yau MSSMs in blowup

Winter term 2008/09

23 Sep -- Giuseppe Milanesi (Barcelona): Bagger-Lambert Theory (Lecture I)

24 Sep -- Giuseppe Milanesi (Barcelona): Bagger-Lambert Theory (Lecture II)

29 Sep -- Takayuki Hirayama (Taiwan, Natl. U.): Quark Mass Deformation of Holographic Massless QCD

30 Sep -- Michael Gutperle (UCLA): 1/2 BPS solutions in IIB and M theory

06 Oct -- Stefan Groot Nibbelink: Model building from Eguchi-Hanson

20 Oct -- Alberto Romagnoni (Ecole Polytechnique): Gauge vs. Gravity mediation in models with anomalous U(1)'s

27 Oct -- Andy O'Bannon (Munich, MPI): Metallic AdS/CFT

03 Nov -- Patrick Vaudrevange (LMU): MSSM vacua in the heterotic mini-landscape

04 Nov -- 16:15 Johannes Held / 17:15 Fabian Ruehle: Heterotic Z_{6-II} Orbifold in Blowup

11 Nov -- Satoru Kaneko (Valencia): Supersymmetric seesaw type-II: LHC and lepton flavour violating phenomenology

17 Nov -- Sylvain Fichet (Grenoble): From GUT to EW scale : How to compute a SUSY mass spectrum

19 Nov -- Alexander Westphal (Stanford): Monodromy in the CMB, 15:15 Discussion of Monodromy Inflation in an informal blackboard seminar

15 Dec -- Sakura Schäfer-Nameki (Caltech): Interfacing Gauge and String Theory

16 Jan -- Hagen Triendl (Univ. Hamburg): Generalized Geometry

26 Jan -- Andreas Braun: Orientifold Moduli Space from Cycles of 3-Folds and 4-Folds

Summer term 2008

14 Apr -- Rolf Kappl (DESY): The Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term in heterotic string theory

28 Apr -- A. Hebecker: GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-Theory (journal-club-style discussion of paper by Beasley, Heckman and Vafa)

08 May -- R. Valandro: GUTs and Exceptional Branes in F-Theory - continuation

06 Jun -- A. Klemm (Bonn): Topological String Theory and its Mathematical Applications (HS1 of the Math. Inst.)

30 Jun -- A. Braun: Tadpoles, Sheaves and Branes

14 Jul -- G. v. Gersdorff (CERN): One Loop Effective Action on Orbifolds

27 Aug -- K. Schmidt-Hoberg (Munich, TU): Small Extra Dimensions from the Interplay of Gauge and Supersymmetry Breaking

Winter term 2007/08

22 Oct -- H. Triendl: Counting the Degrees of Freedom of Moving D-Branes

29 Oct -- R. Valandro: Continued Discussion of 5d and Stringy Warped Models

26 Nov -- Ch. Uhlemann (Würzburg): Narrow-width approximation in the MSSM

03 Dec -- M. Schmidt: M Theory and 5-Dimensional Supergravity

10 Dec -- Ch. Viereck: MHV Amplitudes and Applications of Twistor Methods

21 Dec -- S. Groot Nibbelink: From Orbifold Resolutions to Model Building

07 Jan -- M. Schmidt: M Theory and 5-Dimensional Supergravity (continued)

14 Jan -- M. Banagl (Heidelberg, Math. Inst.): Intersection Homology

21 Jan -- Kang-Sin Choi (Bonn): Higher order couplings from heterotic orbifold

23 Jan -- M. Olechowski (Warsaw): k-stabilization in brane models

04 Feb -- F. Paccetti Correia (Porto): Towards moduli stabilization in Heterotic M-theory

06 Feb -- V.V. Khoze (Durham): Aspects of Seiberg Duality and its Applications

11 Feb -- E. Scheidegger (Augsburg): TBA

Summer term 2007

23 Apr -- B. Dobrescu (Fermilab): Standard Model in 6 Dimensions

30 Apr -- T. Noguchi: Energy Transfer between throats I

04 May -- A. Micu (Bonn): Heterotic-type IIA duality with fluxes and application to moduli stabilization -- together with Worldline seminar

07 May -- B. v. Harling: Energy Transfer between throats II

14 May -- A. Braun: F-Theory and D7-Brane Dynamics I

21 May -- H. Triendl: F-Theory and D7-Brane Dynamics II

18 Jun -- T.-W. Ha: Toric Geometry and Orbifolds

25 Jun -- Ch. Viereck: Computer-Aided Evaluation of Supergraphs

02 Jul -- W. Lerche (CERN): Dualities in String Theory I

04 Jul -- W. Lerche (CERN): Dualities in String Theory II

05 Jul -- W. Lerche (CERN): Dualities in String Theory III

23 Jul -- C. Lüdeling: Local SU(5) Unification from the Heterotic String

Winter term 2006/07

16 Oct -- A. Hebecker: The Ubiquitous Throat

23 Oct -- S. Groot Nibbelink: Supersymmetric Lorentz Violation (continued)

06 Nov -- T.S. Nyawelo (Trieste): Two Loop Effective Kahler Potential

13 Nov -- A. Braun: Flux Stabilization in 6 Dimensions

27 Nov -- T. Dent: Varying Constants

11 Dec -- C. Lüdeling: More on 6d Supergravity Models

18 Dec -- S. Wiesenfeldt (Urbana-Champaign): SO(10) Grand Unification in 6 Dimensions

15 Jan -- F. Paccetti Correia (Porto Univ.): On a Class of 4D Kahler Bases and AdS(5) Supersymmetric Black Holes

29 Jan -- S. Groot Nibbelink: Resolution of Orbifold Singularities

05 Feb -- F. Brümmer: The ISS (Intriligator-Seiberg-Shih) Model and Related Ideas

12 Feb -- S. Groot Nibbelink: Resolution of Orbifold Singularities (continued)

27 Feb -- A. Westphal (Trieste): De Sitter String Vacua from Kähler Uplifting

Summer term 2006

24 Apr -- O. Lebedev (Bonn): The Supersymmetric Standard Model from Strings

15 May -- C. Groß: Stabilizing Supersymmetric Orbifold Models

22 May -- M. Ratz (Bonn): De Sitter Vacua from Matter Superpotentials

12 Jun -- A. Braun: Moduli Stabilization in 6D Supergravity with Flux

19 Jun -- A. Hebecker: SUSY breaking mediation by throat fields

03 Jul -- Kiwoon Choi (KAIST): TeV scale mirage mediation and the little SUSY hierarchy problem

10 Jul -- Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH Zurich): D-branes and matrix factorisations

19 Jul -- Anthony Zee (Santa Barbara): Some attempts to understand the neutrino mixing matrix

24 Jul -- S. Nandi (Oklahoma): Unification of Gauge and Higgs Couplings in Extra Dimensions

Winter term 2005/06

05 Oct -- A. Demaria (Melbourne): The Clash of Symmetries

17 Oct -- A. Hebecker: Randall-Sundrum Model and Klebanov-Strassler Throats (I)

24 Oct -- F. Brümmer: Randall-Sundrum Model and Klebanov-Strassler Throats (II)

31 Oct -- B. v. Harling: Unification with flipped SU(5)

07 Nov -- T. Noguchi: More on Intersecting Brane Models

14 Nov -- T. Dent: Fluxes in Type IIA Models

21 Nov -- S.M. Kuzenko (Univ. of Western Australia): Covariant Supergraphs I

25 Nov -- Kuzenko: Covariant Supergraphs II

28 Nov -- Kuzenko: Covariant Supergraphs III

05 Dec -- N. Borodatchenkova (Bonn): Probing MeV Dark Matter at Colliders

12 Dec -- M. Neubert: Heavy Quarks and New Physics I

19 Dec -- R. Ziegler: SUSY Breaking and Super-Yang-Mills Theories in 5 Dimensions

09 Jan -- A. Hebecker: Cosmological Constant in String Theory and Supergravity

16 Jan -- M. Neubert: Heavy Quarks and New Physics II

23 Jan -- M. Rocek (SUNY, Stony Brook): The c-Map in Superspace

30 Jan -- N. Scheithauer (Mathematisches Inst.): Lie Algebras, Automorphic Forms and Strings

06 Feb -- C. Luhn (Bonn): What is the Discrete Gauge Symmetry of the MSSM?

13 Feb -- M. Trapletti: T Duality and Fluxes

Summer term 2005

11 Apr -- A. Westphal: Inflation in String Theory

18 Apr -- A. Hebecker: Radius Stabilization by Casimir Energy

25 Apr -- F. Brümmer: Geometrical Meaning of Anomalies

02 May -- E. Trincherini: Conference Highlights of "Cosmic Connections 2005"

09 May -- F. Brümmer: Geometrical Meaning of Anomalies (continued)

23 May -- J. Jäckel (DESY, Hamburg): Dark Energy at Colliders

30 May -- R. Hofmann (Frankfurt): Asymptotic Freedom and Compositeness

06 Jun -- C. Ewerz (Milano): Mirror Matter

20 Jun -- Kin-ya Oda (Bonn): Dynamical (Higgsless) symmetry breaking in warped space

27 Jun -- A. Hebecker: Some Highlights of "String Phenomenology 2005"

Winter term 2004/05

20 Oct -- A. Hebecker: 3 families from 10 dimensions

03 Nov -- M. Doran: Vacuum selection, anthropic principle, and all that

10 Nov -- F. Brümmer: World lines on orbifolds

17 Nov -- M. Olechowsky: SUSY breaking with fluxes (continued)

01 Dec -- B. Garbrecht: Coherent baryogenesis

08 Dec -- J. Jäckel: Models without fundamental Higgs

15 Dec -- A. Hebecker: Some supergravity preliminaries to KKLT

12 Jan -- S. Groot Nibbelink: Chiral gravity as a covariant formulation of massive gravity

19 Jan -- A. Westphal: Hierarchies and Fluxes in String Compactifications

26 Jan -- H. Gies: UV fixed point in gravity

03 Feb -- E. Trincherini: SUSY breaking in higher dimensions - more details